

  • 300KN Digital Display Display Compression / tlak Testing Zariadenie
  • Pevnosť betónu 2000kkn 3000 kNk Testovací stroj na kompresiu

    Pevnosť betónu 2000kkn 3000 kNk Testovací stroj na kompresiu

    Concrete Strength 2000KN 3000KN Compression Testing Machine The testing machine is used to measure the compressive strength of brick, stone, concrete and other building materials. The machine adopts hydraulic power source drive, electro-hydraulic servo control technology, computer data acquisition and processing, and calculate the compressive strength to generate reports. Skladá sa z testovacieho hostiteľa, zdroja oleja (hydraulický zdroj energie), meracieho a riadiaceho systému a testovacieho prístroja. To ha ...
  • Cement Mortar 300kN Flexure Compression Testing Machine **Introduction of cement mortar 300kN bending compression testing machine** In the ever-evolving world of construction and materials testing, precision and reliability are of paramount importance. Introducing the Cement Mortar 300kN Flexural Compression Tester, a state-of-the-art solution designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern construction laboratories and research facilities. Tento pokročilý testovací stroj je navrhnutý tak, aby poskytoval ...
  • 300Knkovaný betónový ohýbanie a tlačový stroj

    300Knkovaný betónový ohýbanie a tlačový stroj

    300KN Concrete bending and press machine DYE-300S Cement hydraulic Bending and Compression Testing Machine 300KN Concrete Bending Press: Comprehensive Overview The 300KN Concrete Bending Press is an essential piece of equipment in the construction and civil engineering industries. Designed to test the strength and durability of concrete materials, the machine plays a vital role in ensuring that structures meet safety and quality standards. S kapacitou zaťaženia 300 kilónov (kN), Mac ...
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